
Showing posts from February, 2018

Colorize a Black/White Ansel Adams Image

This is my Colorize a Black/White Ansel Adams Image   My drwing is differnt fro other peoples because i colored all of the picture and the house from the moive "UP" is in it. It is also very colorful. 

Colorize a Black/White Image

This is my Colorize a Black/White Image  My drawing is differnt from others because it has very small detlls and Nemo is in it 

30 Day photo Challenge part 2

Day 1: Favorite Food Day 2: Smile Day 3: Happiness Day 4: Leaves Day 5: Morning Sky Day 6 : Books Day 7: Something Funny Day 8: Favorite Color Day 9: Inspiring Person Day 10: Nature Day 11: Something Old Day 12: Hair Day 13: Written Words Day 14: Movement Day 15: Leading Lines Day 16: Symmetry An Patterns Day 17: Framing Day 18 Depth Of Field Day 19: Rule Of Thirds Day 20: Best Friend Day 21: Where You Sleep Day 22: In Your Closet Day 23: Gratitude Day 24: Something New Day 25: Animals Day 26; Worm'S Eye View Of Trees Day 27: Artwork Day 28: Daily Routine Day 29: Nighttime Day 30: Light

Picasso-esque Cubist Digital Portrait

This is my Picasso-esque Cubist Digital Portrait if you look at any connor you can seee many faces and are over 30 faces in the painting,look very closly

Surrealist Digital Portrait (Fruit/Vegetables)

This is my Surrealist Digital Portrait (Fruit/Vegetables) , I tink my painting is differnt from other paintings because i added a few exra things and Nemo is in it.  

Surrealist Digital Landscape

This is my Surrealist Digital Landscape Drawing and Mine is difffernt from  other peoples because i have really random things in this work.

Warhol-esque Digital Painting

This is my Warhol-esque painting, My painting is differnt from other paintings because I im in the painting.

Georgia O'Keeffe - Inspired

This is my Georgia O'Keefe - Inspired painting. My painting is differnt from oather paintings because I put the flower in a heart an then Nemos are all around the flower.

Post Impressionist Portrait

This is my post Impressionist Portrait , My painting is doffernt from other paintings because  Nemo is the main part and hes my best friend, but also if you look closly in the left hand connor you can see me.

Post impressionist landscape

This is a painting of water and sky, and there is a sunset in between the parts. This painting is differnt becausei spent a lot of time on this and it is mostly water which is where nemo lives.