
Showing posts from April, 2018

Contour/Collage Portrait

This is my Contour/Collage Portrait, On the bottom I have things I like and on the top I have old projects that I made for this class.

Celebrity Photobomb

This is my celebrity Photobomb, there is two celebritys in this photo. there is jennifer nettles from sugarland in this photo and the 2nd one of Nemo on the left.

Photoshop makeover

In this picture I got a huge makeover. so I walked into the plastic surgan room and said I wanted pink skin then They made it to light so I put more makeup on it and put all colors on my face then reeysed my nose was to small and the makeup overed up my nose and you cold not see it or beath though it so I went back to the plactic surgan and got a bigger nose but they got it too big, then I dyed my hair.

Cartoon head

This is my Cartoon head project. for this project I put the mask of Natmo on it a carater I made, natmo stands for nemo and nat. She has time trevel power, brething under water and on ground part fishm mouse and human. her hair is purple with a string of purple and sparkles and many other things. in this picture she just has her mask showing which is spart of her skin by ushing a botton and she does not have the suit on.

Create your own font

This is my Create your own font project,  me and Nemo made this font, the name of it is Natmo.

moana lisa (very frist project ever done)


Hybird Character ;D

This is my hybird Character. This ix a mixture of, Mickey Mouse's Ears, Dory's Fin, Elsa's hand, Tinker bell's Wings, Rapunzal's Hair, Marvin's Hair/hat, Spongebob's eyes, Nemo's mouth,  phinea's Nose, Charlie Browns, Skin/ shape of head, Aurora's dress, Ariels, tail.

Colorized Drawing

This is my Colorized Drawing this project is differnt from others peoples project of this one because it has a lot of color and a lot of detill that is hrd to see. In the picture the main subjuct is the submarine in the middle, on the submarie is the word finding, under the Submarie is the word Nemo but the letters are floating. below Nemo is the word rocks, so it spells out Finding Nemo rocks.

Mickey Mouse Animated .Gif File

This is My animated .Gif file Project, for this project i choose Mickey mouse as the main subject.